Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Elite After the 2016 Presidential Election

Here's what an honest, to goodness, Midwesterner has seen transpire since 2008:
  • Hatred towards the conservative program with multiple wars and exponential national debt heading into the 2008 Presidential Election 
  • A literal no name liberal, minority president elected to presidency of the USA
  • I recall thinking "who is this guy, and what has he done?"
    • Ex girlfriend says "Get on board, don't doubt him, you are an ahole"
    • I thought, "What?"
  • 2008 - 2012 Presidency
  • New alternative energy or "new deal" programs do not come to fruition
  • I don't pretend to know what exactly the president has done, all in, but I do know that alternative energies never materialized to the extent promised
    • In fairness, my sister in law has stated that multiple progressions have been made in organic and sustained farming
    • I only see bailed out banks, frak mining millionaires, and other run of the mill stuff
  • 2012 Election
    • A Republican candidate is rolled out with a perchance for Joseph Smith
      • Never in doubt, the existing president rolls through the elections
      • Tough to expect a fringe religious candidate to win out, but whatever...republicans know what they are doing, right?
  • Current
    • Republicans do know what they are doing (or at least the money behind the scenes knows)
      • Sweep of the midterms to the Republicans
      • Current president at all time low ratings
      • Still a Muslim, a non US citizen, a communist, and possible a Satanist (that makes sense, right?)
    • Democrats are rolling out a woman with ties to president that was relevant over 20 years go
What does this all say?  I say a "Conservative land slide in 2016".

What I do know is that money runs the world; with the masses having "spent on their liberal load" over the course of the past 8 years, I predict a conservative landslide in 2016. That much is a given. You see it on TV, in elections, and the populace opinion.  

What is unknown is what will the elite do from 2016-2020?  They have now laid waste to the alleged "liberals", so popular opinion will be tied to the need to have the conservative party run the country.  That, friends, is really, really scary.  2016 -2020 is planned out, and I really have no idea of where it is going.

My plan is to come back to this post at election time, and every year thereafter.  Good luck kids...I fear we are in for a roller coaster ride.